Saturday, June 10, 2006

Post Processing Archive

This page will be for Digital Post Processing notes. Basically anything to do with managing and manipulating image files once they leave the camera.

Image Download - from camera or memory card
Downloader pro - excellent. simple and powerful. I don't use this anymore, but useful for those without lightroom.

Image manipulation techniques - photoshop.
High Pass Contrast - John Paul Caponigro
Advanced Masking tutorial using channels - Russell Brown
Digital Dodge and Burn
Local Contrast Enhancement
Fake minatures
Digital Artifacts - The Colour Gremlins
Adding a Digital Signature - Jack Flesher
Selecting colours outside the PS window
Non destructive healing
Portrait Retouching
Photoshop Image Processor

Black and white conversions
BW conversion during RAW processing - RAW Shooter Professional.
Greg Gorman BW conversion
Lightroom BW conversion - HSL desaturation method - Martin Evening.

Adobe Lightroom
Colour Profiles for RAW Shooter
Colour control panel and RAW viewer for XP
Helicon Focus - for focus stacking... link coming.

Print resolution and viewing distance.

Addit: May 2007.
I have been using Lightroom as my main library database and image viewer for several months now. LR is used for importing, sorting, and tagging images and keeping master copies ready for output for web, slide and print. I still need to use photoshop, PTGui and Helicon for various specific tasks.
Edit: March 2009
Still using Lightroom. Now up to version 2.0. Great for organising my photos as the library grows and has and increased range of editing tools now and some good sharpening. Great for converting to BW too. Very very rarely need to use photoshop for any of my photos now.