Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lost America

Lost America is a series of awesome night photography images by Troy Paiva. He shoots abandoned buildings and vehicles by moonlight and paints light with gelled strobes. This is really unique and creative stuff. Probably not the sort of thing I'll get into but great to look at for sure.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Latest upload from the Archives... from when I was living in Gero.

Windmill Sunset
Kid on the Dune

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New Web Site - Hinius

New Web Site, originally uploaded by hinius.

I first came across Hin Chua's photography about 3 or 4 years ago, when he was based in Perth. He was doing some amazing stuff back then and has since developed a unique style to his street photography. These are really great street images.

Street is my favourite form of photography but has been the area where I have found least success in producing images I am proud of. It is a genre where subject is everything and this appeals to me. I'd love to hit the pavement more often. Doesn't help that I live and work in the burbs but that is no excuse.

Hin's passion for his photography is inspiring and his collection of images is a fantastic achievement. He presents his work in this little website.

I am inspired to stop dabbling in different photo techniques and focus my energy on creating my own body of work to create something of substance.

More of his work is can be found on Flickr where he admins the Hardcore Street Photography group.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Grub, originally uploaded by Kev.yong.

More lighting practice. Click Here to view large.

MPe-65 at 1x magnification. The light on his head is a little hot, but I like the body detail.

Setup pic :

Grub setup


Light resources and links will be posted here.

- First stop for learning how to light.
- specialising in affordable effective lighting.
- minimalist and DIY gear.
- great blog and associated flickr group.
- My photos featured on the blog back in November - Here.

Sitzbono - photojournalist with a great soundslides presentation of various setups.

Planet Neil - good tutorials here on balancing on camera flash and ambient.
- good for wedding photography and other dynamic situations.

Photonotes.org - definitive guide to how Canon flashes work.

DG28.com - More PJ style location lighting. Heaps of good set information.

Dave Black Photography - Legend sports shooter. Does awesome location stuff with his lights.
- check out the Workshop at the Ranch link for monthly tutes.

Books and other resources:
Light Science and Magic
- really good book covering the principles of light.
- especially good chapters on dealing with reflections on glass and metal.

Lighting and the Dramatic Portrait
- Michael Grecco.
- amazing celeb portraits.

My book wish list.

Studio stuff:
I'm tempted to get into some studio stuff because I love the idea of the gear and creativity you can have with light. However, being stuck in the studio is getting away from the type of photography I want to be doing which is getting out in nature and amongst people and real life. I think I'll be hanging back on this genre but using some of the lighting principals in my location shooting.

http://www.photoflexlightingschool.com/ - good tutes that make you want to buy their gear.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Baby Baboon - Perth Zoo

Baby Baboon, originally uploaded by Kev.yong.

Still sorting through my photo library, keywording etc. Came across one of my old favourites. Not sure if I've already posted this before, but here it is again.

I was at Perth zoo testing out my 200/2.8L when this little guy was playing in the sun. He was a brand new arrival at the zoo. Very cute.

A couple more...

Lunchtime Baby Baboon

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Rock and Roll Confidential

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Strobist Lighting 102

strobist banner

New lighting course at Strobist.com to commence on June 4. Free! Click banner for further information. Learn to light creatively on a budget. Highly recommended!!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Morning Sun

Morning Sun, originally uploaded by Kev.yong.

Panorama taken on a recent trip to Mundaring - just out of Perth WA. This view is from the deck of a B&B I was staying at.

5D + Zuiko 35 shift lens. 6 vertical images. Rotation around nodal point with camera perfectly level. 10mm of vertical shift to include the tops of the trees and keep them vertical. Stitched with PT Gui.