Wednesday, May 31, 2006

New Look Gallery

I've just created a new look to my Pbase Galleries.

Took a bit of fiddling about, but managed to figure out how to use an HTML image map to creat the effect.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Minature Town - Gero

More images from the shoot here..

This is a shot taken from a helicopter over Point Moore in Geraldton. Just for fun I've reworked the image to appear like a model town. In the days of film this effect was only achievable by lenses which could tilt their axis of focus. By narrowing the depth of field, an optical illusion is created, causing the scene to appear minaturised to the viewer.

This image was manipulated in Photoshop using a reflected gradient mask and lens blur tool to recreate the effect. I think it is much easier to use a normal lens for this sort of shot and then apply the effect later than use a tilt lens. I have produced similar shots with my Hartblei Super Rotator but it is a bit trickier to set the focal plane precisely. Here is a web tutorial on how to do this with photoshop.

One of my projects for this year is to create a gallery of city minatures around Perth. A few starters...

Monday, May 01, 2006

New Beginnings - 5D plus more

Well it's good to be back online. The photo in this post is from the Swan River bank in Manning, just near my house. My first landscape with the 5D.

My new 5D is fantastic. The improved speed and large screen make it a pleasure to use. And the image quality leaves nothing to be desires. So good, even at high ISOs. I'm actually very pleasantly surprised as the camera is much better than I anticipated.

Back in Perth now. Have almost finished settling in so will have more time to shoot... hopefully. It's taken a while to set up the house as well as the new computer.

The New computer is a deluxe photo processing machine. Large 24" Dell monitor - just a pleasure to view my 5D images on this screen. Dual AMD64 processor, 2GB RAM, 6600GT graphics cards, quiet Antec case. Was an epic to get all setup but is now running very smoothly (and quickly) especially now it's linked up to high speed broadband.

Another new purchase.... my Hartblei 45mm Super Rotator lens. A handmade Ukranian medium format lens with a third party Zork adapter for mounting on EOS mount. More on this in another post.

Well, I have no excuses now. Time to get out and take more photos. I have a few cool projects in mind. Stay tuned for a couple of new image series.