Documetary and Street Links
Charles Harbutt - Travelog, Progresso
Alex Webb Magnum - the Istanbul essay is really good. find it in the major features link.
- Interview
Sebastiao Salgado
Matt Stuart - Pure street. This is the sort of stuff I want to do...
- some personal comments on his photos -
Joel Meyerowitz on the street - Video - describes his way of working. cool to see him in action.
- also has a gallery on the iN-PUBLIC site. see below.
- Quote from 2point8 interview...
"I use pictures as a kind of building block of a visual language, so that it's not the individual picture that's the so-called "master work" the way painting created master works. These pictures are all little gestural elements that don't necessarily add-up on their own to anything profound, but as a run of pictures, you might be able to sustain some thoughts and ideas. And I guess that's what I always, since I understood Robert Frank's "The Americans", from the first few times looking at it, I suddenly understood, 'oh, they don't have to be great photographs, they have to be interesting and interlocking in a way that you could fuse them in runs of seven or ten pictures, to be stating a sort of collective of ideas into one thing that will carry the reader along."
Henri Cartier Bresson Interview Video with Charlie Rose
The Decisive Moment - HCB. Entire book scanned and online. Great intro by HCB.
Cary Conover - Visual Diaries -
Alessandra Sanguinetti -
James Nachtwey - War Photographer. The DVD is awesome
Tony Marciante - Flickr (timewitness)
David Alan Harvey - personal blog (called road trip). Magnum photog.
Simon Norfolk - Landscapist with a focus on human impact, in particular war. Has though a lot about his work and has some very interesting writing on his website to accompany the images.
David Solomon - Happenstance - Brazil
Paul Russell - Beside the Sea
Ben Anderson
Dog Days, Bogota -Alec Soth
Phillip Toledano
Ben Roberts
Approach... excerpts from Magnum stories
La Pura Vida Gallery
Heading East Blog - Raul Gutierrez
Seconds to Real - street photography collection
Hardcore Street Photography group - Flickr. Gallery and Discussion.
- Limitation of street photography - discussion regarding random street snaps vs directed prolonged projects.
- Similar discussion to the above : getting deeper than street photos as pretty pictures.
- Quotes -
- Killer Street Sets
2point8 - awesome street photog blog.
- Ways of Working
- The Phyla of Street Photography.
- Resources page - some nice links here
- Discussions
iN-PUBLIC - great gallery.
- Masters Galleries and Bios - Richard Kavlar, Joel Meyerowitz and Bryan Campbell
- What is Street Photography??
Some video links I want to watch
Charles Harbutt - Travelog, Progresso
Alex Webb Magnum - the Istanbul essay is really good. find it in the major features link.
- Interview
Sebastiao Salgado
Matt Stuart - Pure street. This is the sort of stuff I want to do...
- some personal comments on his photos -
Joel Meyerowitz on the street - Video - describes his way of working. cool to see him in action.
- also has a gallery on the iN-PUBLIC site. see below.
- Quote from 2point8 interview...
"I use pictures as a kind of building block of a visual language, so that it's not the individual picture that's the so-called "master work" the way painting created master works. These pictures are all little gestural elements that don't necessarily add-up on their own to anything profound, but as a run of pictures, you might be able to sustain some thoughts and ideas. And I guess that's what I always, since I understood Robert Frank's "The Americans", from the first few times looking at it, I suddenly understood, 'oh, they don't have to be great photographs, they have to be interesting and interlocking in a way that you could fuse them in runs of seven or ten pictures, to be stating a sort of collective of ideas into one thing that will carry the reader along."
Henri Cartier Bresson Interview Video with Charlie Rose
The Decisive Moment - HCB. Entire book scanned and online. Great intro by HCB.
Cary Conover - Visual Diaries -
Alessandra Sanguinetti -
James Nachtwey - War Photographer. The DVD is awesome
Tony Marciante - Flickr (timewitness)
David Alan Harvey - personal blog (called road trip). Magnum photog.
Simon Norfolk - Landscapist with a focus on human impact, in particular war. Has though a lot about his work and has some very interesting writing on his website to accompany the images.
David Solomon - Happenstance - Brazil
Paul Russell - Beside the Sea
Ben Anderson
Dog Days, Bogota -Alec Soth
Phillip Toledano
Ben Roberts
Approach... excerpts from Magnum stories
La Pura Vida Gallery
Heading East Blog - Raul Gutierrez
Seconds to Real - street photography collection
Hardcore Street Photography group - Flickr. Gallery and Discussion.
- Limitation of street photography - discussion regarding random street snaps vs directed prolonged projects.
- Similar discussion to the above : getting deeper than street photos as pretty pictures.
- Quotes -
- Killer Street Sets
2point8 - awesome street photog blog.
- Ways of Working
- The Phyla of Street Photography.
- Resources page - some nice links here
- Discussions
iN-PUBLIC - great gallery.
- Masters Galleries and Bios - Richard Kavlar, Joel Meyerowitz and Bryan Campbell
- What is Street Photography??
Some video links I want to watch
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