Sunday, September 25, 2005

Pre Digital Journeys

Well, I think it's about time I posted some photos. I thought I'd start with my Pre Digital Journeys Gallery which has photos from my early days in photography. I bought my first SLR in 1998 for a trip around the world, so most of these are travel shots. The camera used was an EOS 50 with 28-105, 75-300 lenses and a variety of colour negative slide and B&W film.

The photos in the gallery are just tiny sample of hundreds of shots. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to scan all the images - a very time consuming task. As they are mainly for web display, I might just try scanning prints which is much less fiddly.

A year travelling around the world taking photos... now that was awesome. Such a great way to learn the basics, but I really wish I had the chance to do it all again with my current knowledge and gear. I just didn't realise how lucky I was at the time.

The waterfall photo here is from Plitvisc National Park in Croatia. There are about 20 separate pools of crystal clear water, linked by waterfalls with several kilometers of walkway taking you though the park. This is a really unique part of the world - I could spend months and months shooting there.


Blogger Dr Hiding Pup said...

Lovely pictures! Hope your blog is succeeding in getting your artistic juices flowing... My blog's about photography too. I'm about to post something on how my digital lithographs are made - do drop by a give a go!

All best,

5:41 pm, September 25, 2005  

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