Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Brief spell with the R3A

For Sale:

Had a voigtlander bessa R3A in my possession for long enough to shoot 2 rolls of film. Takes a great photo but the viewfinder was something I was never going to get used to. The framelines were hard to see and made me feel very constricted. Pity, because it was such a nice camera to shoot with otherwise.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Post Digital Explorations

A new collection in my Flickr Galleries.

Post Digital Explorations:


A round trip back to film after 6 years of purely digital photography. Digital photography gave new life to my photography and provided a rapid learning tool through instant feedback and a community of online photographers to learn from.

Now I am drawn back to shooting film. There is a certain aesthetic to film that I love, especially for black and white photography. There is a simple pleasure of using cheap old film camers that just work and something in the way of shooting with film that makes me feel like I am taking better photos... don't really care if that is true or not... as long as I'm having fun.

More from the same day:

